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Simple Steps to Start and Get Your Business Online

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Starting your business and getting it online is not rocket science. The percentage of businesses that have gone virtual is growing rapidly. I know you have been thinking about it, but have you taken the plunge?

First, you will need to take care of a few basic things to establish your business and you can follow these simple general steps"

  1. Have a Good/Really Great Marketable Business Idea.

  2. Give your business a Name

  3. Secure your domain/URL

  4. Arrange Business Financing, if necessary

  5. Register your business (explore the different types of business structures and unique requirements of your territory) and secure appropriate business licenses you may need

  6. Buy your domain name/URL

Now that your business is registered, you have secured your URL, what's next? Getting your business online can be an easy or difficult process. If you are a skilled do-it-yourselfer and have the time and energy to learn the ropes, you can build your website and do the rest. However, this might be a longer process that will not get you the results you are looking for right away.

Alternatively, you can hire an expert to do it all for you. Whatever your decision, here are simple steps

that you can follow:

  • Buy your domain name/URL

  • Select a company to host your website simply called a web hosting company.

  • Build/buy your e-commerce/business website.

  • What is your inventory source? How will you get your product/service to customers?

  • Develop a strong marketing plan with a multi-channel go-to-market strategy

  • Select and build out social media platforms appropriate for your business

This is a big chunk of what needs to happen to get your business online, but by no means does the process end here...if you want to be successful. There are critical steps such as working on your site's SEO, deciding how and where to spend your marketing budget and how you will make the best use of the Internet and its many avenues for growing your business. Some of these will be addressed in upcoming posts.

What are you doing to take your fabulous idea virtually and get your piece of the success pie?

The above information was shared during my Free Masterclass on Simple Steps to Starting & Getting Your Business Online. Download the presentation slides below.

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